by 15:23 0 comments

The Correlation between Love & Sex 

Love should be the only reason for Sex as LOVE is sacred (i.e. dedicated to a purpose e.g. marriage, a person e.g. spouse)..

Romantic love, sex, and sexual desire are so closely intertwined that it might seem almost impossible to disentangle them.

Though research has also shown that romantic relationships can exist in the absence of sexual desire, even during the beginning stages where they may be at their most romantically passionate. 

Abstracts from articles relating to the co-relation between Love & Sex:

" One explanation for why sexual desire tends to be so strong at the beginning of relationships and may account for why its presence or absence can reflect the strength of commitment between partners."

Men and women have also expressed the belief that when dating, if partners experience sexual desire for each other, there is a greater likelihood for positive outcomes to emerge in terms of interpersonal closeness as well as a reduced likelihood to experience negative events in the relationship, regardless of the frequency of sexual activity.

Relationship Evolvement

It may all start from DATING, a form of courtship usually referring to two people meeting & engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activities done in public together as a couple, with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. Courtship, sometimes seen as a precursor to engagement or marriage, is two people who may or may not yet be having sexual relations trying out a relationship, the protocols & practices of dating vary considerably from country to country. 



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