Why your child is not spending enough time on the computer

by 03:40 0 comments

0.4% of 6th formers are studying IT- an industry which creates 5% of all UK jobs

IT companies including Microsoft, Samsung and Google are trying to bridge the gap in our schools' lacking IT curriculum.

Even those who are studying IT aren't getting the skills they need, Experts have stated that ICT lessons in schools only teach children how to use Microsoft Office - and not about how programs and websites are actually made.
The BBC is one of the organisations campaigning to get children interested in coding.
The media giant is creating new games on the BBC education website Bitesize, covering topics such as coding, 3D printing, app development and video game development.

Your child could be worth $1 million

Tech companies teaming up with the BBC aren't being altruistic- an employee who knows how to code is reportedly worth up to $1 million for an employer - and Facebook and Google have been buying entire companies in order to use their code-literate employees.
Are children learning enough computer skills at school?
No. ICT represents just 0.4% of all A-Levels sat in the UK, despite providing more than 5% of jobs.



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