Another Apple-1 expected to make big bucks at auction

by 08:30 0 comments

Photo: Auction Team Breker
Photo: Auction Team Breker
Just weeks after a rare Apple-1 computer sold for record numbers at auction, another operational unit of Apple’s first ever computer is set to go under the gavel.
Christie’s is expecting the machine to fetch more than $500,000 at auction in December, which doesn’t seem unrealistic when you consider that the previous Apple-1 mentioned fetched a whopping $905,000.

The computer is being sold by Virgina collector Robert Luther, who bought it at a police auction in 2004.
“My computer had been purchased directly from Jobs, and based on the buyers address on the [original] check, he lived four miles from Jobs,” Luther has said. It was originally bought in July 1976 from the Jobs family garage in Los Altos.
To confirm the Apple-1 still works, an expert recently tested it out with Microsoft BASIC and an original Apple-1 Star Trek game. It is thought that less than 50 original Apple 1-s are still in existence.



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