'You can see nipple!' Kim Kardashian's meltdown at nude magazine cover... three years before full frontal photoshoot

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Meltdown: Kim broke down on a 2011 episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York after seeing revealing nude photographs of herself in W magazine

Meltdown: Kim broke down on a 2011 episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York after seeing revealing nude photographs of herself in W magazine

Changed your mind Kim? The reality star was so upset by her nude W magazine cover, left, that she had a televised meltdown back in 2011, but happily posed for this Paper magazine cover back in September

'Oh my God, I'm more naked than I was in Playboy!' she wept. 'I'm so mad right now. She promised I would be covered with artwork. You can see nipple. The whole concept was sold to me that nothing would be seen.

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