Christian Bale bails on Steve Jobs movie

by 12:07 0 comments
The hero Cupertino deserves. Photo: Mike Marsland/WireImage
The hero Cupertino deserves. Photo: Mike Marsland/WireImage
Christian Bale says he’s not the Steve Jobs we deserve.
The actor was tapped to star as the iconic Apple CEO, but has reportedly turned down the part in Sony’s upcoming biopic that is also rumored to star Seth Rogen as Woz, with sources saying he doesn’t think he’s fit for the part.

Sources at the Hollywood Reporter say “after much deliberation and conflicting feelings” Bale decided to withdraw from the project once he came to the conclusion that “he was not right for the part.”
The script, which was written by Aaron Sorkin, is divided into three acts that show Steve Jobs backstage preparing for the presentations of three major Apple products that cemented his status as one of tech’s most innovative pioneers. Sorkin had high praise for Bale donning Steve’s black turtleneck, saying he was going to “crush it” and that he didn’t even have to audition for the part.
Danny Boyle has signed on to direct after David Fincher dropped out earlier this year. Boyle is supposed to drop by Hollywood this week to meet with actors and actresses for movie, but no parts have been officially offered.
It’s unclear how Bale dropping out will effect the project that was scheduled to start shooting this winter. Bale is the second high-profile actor to drop from the project after Leonardo DiCaprio bowed out earlier this year.



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