Jennifer Aniston shows off her sexy curves in plunging sheaf dress for Horrible Bosses 2 premiere in London

by 14:40 0 comments
Jennifer, who's engaged to marry Justin Theroux, flaunted her new-found curves in an elegant Antonio Berardi sheaf dress on Wednesday night, walking the red carpet at the Horrible Bosses 2 premiere.

Showing her shape: Jennifer Aniston walked the red carpet for the premiere of Horrible Bosses 2 in London's Leicester Square on Wednesday night, wearing a sleek fitted dress

Showing her shape: Jennifer Aniston walked the red carpet for the premiere of Horrible Bosses 2 in London's Leicester Square on Wednesday night, wearing a sleek fitted dress

The actress reprises her role as sex-obsessed Julia Harris in the follow-up film, naturally opting for a killer look for the movie opener in London's Leicester Square.

Paying homage to bad bosses all over the world once again, the second installment sees the original threesome Dale, Kurt and Nick follow up their mission to kill their managers by starting their own business.

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