More than half the victims killed by erupting volcano in Japan were found clutching smartphones with photos of lava coming towards them

by 11:55 0 comments
The victims of the deadly Japanese volcano eruption earlier this autumn spent their final moments taking photographs of the catastrophic event, local media reports.

More than half of the 56 bodies recovered from the peak of Mount Ontake were found clutching mobile phones with photos of the deadly lava and ash on them.

The September eruption on the central Japanese island of Honshu, left at least 57 dead, and a further six people remain unaccounted for.

Last snap: More than half of the 56 bodies recovered from the peak of Mount Ontake after the September eruption were found clutching mobile phones with photos of the deadly lava and ash on them

Last snap: More than half of the 56 bodies recovered from the peak of Mount Ontake after the September eruption were found clutching mobile phones with photos of the deadly lava and ash on them

More than half of the victims were still holding their smartphones, while others were found to have taken snaps of the ash and lava with cameras or phones just moments before they died.

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