Police hunting serial killers dubbed the 'Grand Theft Auto gang' by Russian media after forcing 15 motorists out of their cars and shooting them

by 10:26 0 comments
Russian police are hunting a mysterious gang that has terrorised Moscow motorists in recent months with a series of murders resembling the violent video game Grand Theft Auto.

The gang - dubbed the GTA gang by Russian media after the video game that involves gangland-style robberies and killings - is believed to have killed about 15 people.

In the dead of night, the gang members place metal spikes on roads just outside Moscow to burst the tyres of passing cars, then ruthlessly gun down their drivers and disappear.

Among their victims are a policeman, a senior banker, and even a former dancer from a famous folk dancing troupe.

In a sign of how seriously the crimes are being treated, the police have teamed up with the FSB security agency, the successor to the KGB, to tackle the murders and President Vladimir Putin has gotten personally involved.

A police sketch (left) gives a rough idea of the appearance of one of the suspected GTA gang members, who are responsible for the killing of policeman Oleg Tolmachev (right)

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