President Barack Obama and 20 other world leaders participated in a tree-planting ceremony near Beijing on Tuesday

by 08:55 0 comments
President Barack Obama and 20 other world leaders participated in a tree-planting ceremony near Beijing on Tuesday, but the trees had already been planted by the Chinese government.

The fake photo-op came after a session of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

'‎When the plenary was done, the leaders took part in a tree planting near the conference center,' a White House pool reporter wrote while Washington slept 13 time zones away.

'Actually, the evergreens were already planted when they got there – one tree for each country in APEC, each with a little pile of dirt and a shovel next to it.'

FAKE PLANTING: Obama dug a 'hole' in the dirt for a tree 'planting' -- but the already-planted evergreens can be seen behind him

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