Burberry's £45,000 fee for Romeo: Fashion brand's finance boss did not appear to know how much David Beckham's son was paid to appear in Christmas advert

by 21:40 0 comments

In the world of fashion, if you have to ask the price of something, it’s simply not worth having.

That certainly seemed to be the case for Burberry’s finance director Carol Fairweather, who yesterday appeared not to know how much her firm paid David Beckham’s son to appear in its Christmas advert.

Romeo Beckham steals the spotlight in the festive TV campaign, entitled From London with Love.

But when questioned about his fee - reputed to be £45,000 - and whether she felt the money represented good value, Fairweather suggested she did not concern herself with such trifling amounts.

She said: ‘I don’t sign off every invoice that comes into the building, I don’t make those decisions. It’s not for me to comment on what arrangements were paid to Romeo.’

The high-flying executive also declined to discus whether Romeo, 12, was chosen for his looks or his association with ‘brand Beckham’.

Fairweather said people in the marketing departments made such day-to-day decisions.

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