For richer but not poorer... how marriage is for the better-off: Top earners 50% more likely to wed than those on lower incomes

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The better-off are almost 50 per cent more likely to wed than those with less money, according to official figures.

The study from the Office for National Statistics also shows that the marriage gap has widened over the past decade.

In 2001, top earners were 24 per cent more likely to tie the knot than those lower down the social ladder. Yet now the figure has soared to 48 per cent.

Nice, if you can afford it: The better-off are almost 50 per cent more likely to wed than those with less money

Nice, if you can afford it: The better-off are almost 50 per cent more likely to wed than those with less money

‘Marriage has become a preserve of the better off. That means we have much less stability throughout the population,’ said Christian Guy, director of the Centre for Social Justice.

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