Boy Took A Selfie Every Day For 7 Years And the Video is Amazing

by 09:14 0 comments

Hugo Cornellier
It was eight years ago that Hugo Cornellier, then 12-years old, decided to change the way we view growing up. He was inspired by a video which comprised of hundreds of self-portraits and decided to make his own life story by taking a selfie every day for the next seven years.

His determination has resulted in nearly 3,000 photos, cataloging his transition from boyhood into manhood. Three years ago he uploaded his video to the popular site Reddit and was overwhelmed with the response he got. Hugo hasn’t stopped taking selfies since and has just released an updated version of the video.

Hugo admits that he is obsessed with taking selfies, saying: “I would take my laptop everywhere my family went. Whether it was a holiday or to visit family for a few days, I always had to take my photo every single day, no matter what.”
The video, which has become hugely popular, has received hundreds of comments from people applauding Hugo for his work and determination. This only spurs him on as he plans to continue take the selfies every day for the rest of his life, hoping that he can create a video that shows his entire life in three minutes.



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