iPhone 6 backlight glitch could force Apple to delay 9 September launch

by 17:47 0 comments
iPhone 6 sapphire display 
A SCREEN GLITCH reportedly has caused iPhone 6 production issues that could force Apple to delay the handset's launch.

Reuters has the scoop on this, and reports that suppliers "are scrambling to get enough screens ready" for the imminent launch of the iPhone 6 after a production flaw in the handset's screen forced a key component to be redesigned.
According to supply chain sources, the troublesome component was the handset's backlight, likely caused by Apple's decision to cut back to a single layer of backlight film instead of the previous two layers in order to make the iPhone 6 thinner.
This apparently meant that the backlight was not bright enough to illuminate the handset's screen, causing it to be thrown back to the drawing board "to fit in the extra layer".
It's not clear whether the issue affects both 4.7in and 5.5in iPhone 6 models.
This might be bad news for those who have 9 September marked in their calendar, as the report claims that the setback could cause Apple to delay the handset's launch or could limit the number of handsets available at release.
This reportedly follows a separate screen issue caused by Apple's decision to make the display thinner for the larger iPhone 6 model, likely the problem which fuelled speculation that the 5.5in model would be hit with delays.
However, the supply chain sources claim that output is now back on track and suppliers are working flat out to make up for lost time. Apple declined to comment on the speculation.



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