Mom creates app so kids can't ignore her calls

by 07:39 0 comments
Sharon Standifird got fed up with her kids being kids. So she created "Ignore No More."
Sharon Standifird served in the Gulf War. She's climbed mountains.
So how hard could it be to get her kids to show a little respect?

Her teens, you see, tended to do what teens do. So when she called them on their cell phones, their natural instinct was to press "ignore."
What's a mom to do? Get mad? Or get spectacularly, ingeniously even?
She chose the latter. She began to consider what sort of app might get her teens to see the light. The result was Ignore No More.
This charming addition to her kids' phones does something very simple: if the kids don't pick up mom's calls, the app locks their phones.
Her website explains the app in a charming way: "When you lock your child's phone with Ignore No More your child has only two options -- he or she can call you back, or call for an emergency responder. No calls to friends, no text, no games, notta' until they call you back. When they do, you can unlock their phone if you choose to do so. How's that for parental control?"
Standifird said that her app is working. The kids are being far more alert to her calls. I wonder, though, how soon it will be before some clever teen finds an ingenious workaround and disrupts this app's parental power.
After all, it simply isn't good for your image to have to call your mom back straight away, is it?



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