Restaurant in China is Staffed By Robots

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Restaurant In China Is Staffed By Robots
One of my favorite things to do is to go out and eat at a restaurant. And while I like the occasional fast food experience, I really prefer a sit-down kind of meal. It really doesn’t matter where I go, though, the experience is just about the same.
I check in with the hostess, get seated, wait for the waiter (there’s an oxymoron), order a drink, order food, get my food, eat my food, pay the bill, and leave the restaurant. Whether I’m eating at an Olive Garden or some kind of upscale, ritzy place, it’s all about the same. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing – it’s just the way it is. But it’s not the way it has to be.
There’s a restaurant in China – in Kunshan, in the province of Jiangsu, to be exact – that does all of the above, except they do it with robots. That’s right – you’re greeted by robots, seated by robots, given your food and drinks by robots – the whole deal. They even understand 40 some sentences. And it sounds awesome. It sounds like a trip to China needs to be in my future.



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