Samsung’s Gear smartwatches now have more than 1,000 apps in the app store

by 15:12 0 comments
Samsung has been at the forefront of the smartwatch race, having launched three smartwatches in a span of a year. Getting developers to make apps for its smartwatches has been a huge focus for the company, and that focus seems to be slowly paying off – according to Samsung, there are now more than 1,000 apps available for its Gear smartwatches. To show off, Samsung has released an infographic that lists and details the top 5 apps on the app store, and also includes a list of popular apps in different categories.
For a niche product segment, having a thousand apps is no doubt a good thing. However, the number of apps will likely explode if Samsung decides to open its smartwatches to devices from other manufacturers. It’s unclear if that will ever happen, but until it does, there will come a time when Samsung’s Android Wear smartwatches will leave its Tizen-based smartwatches in the dust when it comes to the number of apps that users have access to.



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