Curbing immigration would be a 'disaster' for Britain, says Tony Blair with warning Labour must not chase Ukip votes

by 09:55 0 comments
Curbing immigration to Britain would be a 'disaster', Tony Blair has claimed in a warning against Labour ageing Ukip policies.
The former prime minister said Labour must be 'really careful' of saying things that suggested Nigel Farage's party are justified in their policies.

The intervention comes as Ed Miliband faces the prospect of Labour being defeated by Ukip in the election of a new police and crime commissioner in South Yorkshire.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said Labour must deal with Ukip 'by what you believe'

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said Labour must deal with Ukip 'by what you believe'

Labour has been stung by the dramatic rise in popularity of Ukip, only narrowly holding the previously safe seat of Heywood and Middleton in this month's by-election.

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