Miley Cyrus becomes the Latest Face of MAC’s Viva Glam for 2015!

by 16:21 0 comments
Miley Cyrus for MAC Viva Glam - Bellanaija - October 2014
Guess what MAC Nation? MAC Cosmetics has announced Miley Cyrus as the latest face of its annual Viva Glam collection for 2015.
Miley joins a fab list of celebrity Viva Glam spokeswomen like Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga (that’s quite a list). Her first shade is an electric pink that reminds us of strawberry treats.

Miley Cyrus for MAC Viva Glam - Bellanaija - October 2014001 Miley Cyrus for MAC Viva Glam - Bellanaija - October 2014002
That’s not all, the sale of the lipstick – Lipstick: $16, lipglass: $15 hitting shelves in January – will go to the MAC AIDS Fund.



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