Q3 earnings show that Apple is just clobbering Samsung

by 05:34 0 comments
Photo: Martin Hajek
Photo: Martin Hajek
Samsung may ship more devices, but there’s no doubt that Apple is winning the war.
That’s the takeaway from Samsung’s latest earnings report, which stated that the Korean smartphone maker’s Q3 operating profits were just $3.8 billion, a 60 percent drop over last year.
And things are even worse in the mobile division, which dropped 73.9 percent year-over-year.
Now compare those numbers to Apple.

In the last quarter, Apple’s operating profits were $11.2 billion, up over 11% from a year ago.
It gets worse for Samsung. Samsung claims that overall sales were down almost 20% from a year ago, and mobile revenues were down by a shocking 34%.
Overall, it’s Samsung’s worst quarter since 2011.
Doesn’t seem like Samsung’s strategy of wantonly ripping off Apple’s designs is working out too well now, does it?



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