North Korea announced that it will quarantine foreigners for 21 days over fears of the spread of the Ebola virus

by 09:41 0 comments
North Korea announced that it will quarantine foreigners for 21 days over fears of the spread of the Ebola virus, even though no cases of the disease have been reported in the reclusive country, or anywhere in Asia, and very few foreigners are allowed to enter.

North Korea is always on guard against outside influences, but now that it perceives the deadly disease to be a threat, its anxiety has reached a new level. It has banned tourists, put business groups on hold and is looking even more suspiciously than usual at every foreign face coming across its borders.

Case in point: when a high-level delegation from Japan arrived in Pyongyang this week, two of the first people they met were dressed in full hazmat gear.

North Korea announced that it will quarantine foreigners for 21 days over fears of the spread of the Ebola virus. Pictured is the Worker's Monument in Pyongyang

North Korea announced that it will quarantine foreigners for 21 days over fears of the spread of the Ebola virus. Pictured is the Worker's Monument in Pyongyang

The steps also send a message to the North Korean people to be very afraid of the outside world and of outside influences.

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