MH370 passenger's family sue Malaysia Airlines and government

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No trace of MH370 has been found despite an extensive search of the Indian Ocean where it is thought to have gone down.

A Malaysian family is suing the country’s government and Malaysia Airlines for negligence in the disappearance of flight MH370.

The suit was filed by lawyers on behalf of the two young sons of Jee Jing Hang, who was on board the plane when it disappeared on 8 March with 239 people on board.
Gary Chong, a lawyer for Jee’s relatives, said the suit was filed in a Malaysian court on Friday.
The family is suing the airline for breach of contract, saying the deeply troubled carrier failed in its contractual responsibility to deliver Jee to his destination.
The family is also suing Malaysia’s government, civil aviation authorities, immigration department and air force for negligence.

“Our clients are after the truth. We have confidence in our judiciary system that this suit will be heard and dealt with fairly,” a statement by the family’s legal team said.
Chong said the family would seek damages but declined to specify a figure.
MH370, a Boeing 777 airliner, disappeared en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, sparking one of history’s great aviation mysteries.
Malaysia’s government believes the flight diverted to the far southern Indian Ocean, citing sketchy satellite data, but no trace has been found despite an extensive search.
Neither the government nor airline has revealed any results from investigations launched in the aftermath of the tragedy, saying that only recovery of the lost Boeing 777 aircraft will provide full answers.
Some next-of-kin accuse the government and airline of a bungled response and cover-up – charges that are strenuously denied.
Malaysia’s air force came under particular fire after acknowledging that military radar tracked the flight as it doubled back over Malaysian airspace.
The air force took no action, saying the radar blip was not considered a security threat.
The chances of success for the lawsuit were not immediately clear. Aviation experts have told AFP that under international law it is an airline’s responsibility to prove it is not to blame for an accident.
The lack of evidence could complicate that task for the carrier.
The airline also has been hammered by the loss in July of flight MH17, shot down over Ukraine with the loss of 298 lives, and is in dire financial straits as business has dried up. A state-linked investment fund has directly taken over the airline as part of a rescue plan.



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