Homophobic politician wants to ban Tim Cook from Russia for life

by 05:48 0 comments
Photo: Apple.
Photo: Apple.
It was only a matter of time. Just a few hours after Tim Cook bravely and historically made his sexuality open, the gay-bashing has already begun.
Where? In Russia, where Vitaly Milonov, the politican behind Russia’s anti-gay laws and the politican who threatened to arrest gay athletes at the Sochi olympics, argued that Tim Cook should be banned from Russia because he could be a carrier of AIDs or Ebola.

Mr. Milonov is calling for a lifetime travel ban on Cook, who suggested that the Apple CEO could bring “the Ebola virus, AIDS [and] gonorrhea” to Russia. (Those last two diseases seem like an odd thing for Mr. Milonov to single out. Even if Tim Cook did have AIDs and gonorrhea — which obviously he doesn’t — Russia is already overrun with AIDs and gonorrhea cases.)
““What could he bring us? The Ebola virus, AIDS, gonorrhea? They all have unseemly ties over there,” Mr Milonov told the FlashNord website. “Ban him for life.”
Something tells me that’s not going to happen. Russia is an important market for Apple.
Obviously, these are just the hateful, idiotic words of a homophobe. But this is a homophobe with supreme influence, who has already managed to have jailed many native Russians for the so-called “crime” of being gay. In other words, he’s exactly the kind of person Tim Cook is taking a stand against.
Thank goodness that so far, we haven’t heard any similar bile on this side of the pond. Although something tells me, sadly, it’s only a matter of time.



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