Veteran U.S. Marine, 26, who served in Afghanistan and was thrown into Mexican jail after 'accidentally' crossing the border with loaded gunS

by 18:41 0 comments
A Mexican judge tonight ordered the immediate release of a jailed U.S. Marine veteran, eight months after he was jailed for crossing the border with loaded guns.

Retired sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, 26, walked free tonight from a prison in Tecate, a border town just south of California after a judge decided he could go - without deciding whether he committed a crime.

He had been imprisoned for 241 days after getting lost on the freeway and finding himself with no way back into the United States.

Marine veteran: Andrew Tahmooressi, pictured in uniform, was incarcerated after crossing from Mexico to California with loaded guns in his car. Today he has been released

Marine veteran: Andrew Tahmooressi, pictured in uniform, was incarcerated after crossing from Mexico to California with loaded guns in his car. Today he has been released

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