iOS 8 growth is basically stagnant

by 05:33 0 comments

Although iOS 8 got off to a slower start than iOS 7, it’s finally starting to rebound. New numbers suggest that over half of all customers have upgraded to iOS 8. But all’s not well yet. In fact, iOS 8 uptake is pretty much stagnant.

After five and a half weeks of availability, Apple’s iOS 8 operating system is now running on approximately 52 percent of all active iOS devices, at least according to Apple’s own App Store support page for developers.
That’s good to hear, since iOS 8 adoption was initially very low, a problem no doubt exacerbated by the fact that the first update, iOS 8.0.1, had a bug that rendered people’s iPhones unusable.
Even so, 52 percent of all devices running iOS 8 is a paltry figure compared to the number of people who upgraded to iOS 7 or iOS 6 after five weeks. In fact, that number has barely budged since September 23, when 46 percent of all iOS users were on iOS 8.
In other words, this number has only budged 6 percent in as many weeks. If Apple doesn’t fix this, we’re looking at an Android-like fragmentation problem coming down the pipe. That’s not good, but I have to admit, of my three iOS devices, I’ve only upgraded one to iOS 8. What about you?



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