Wow! Mike Tyson Reveals He Was Kidnapped and Sexually Abused As a Child

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American retired professional boxer, Mike Tyson has reealed that as a child her was kidnapped by a stranger and sexually abused.

The 48-year-old former undisputed heavyweight champion revealed the details about his sexual abuse while during a radio interview on Wednesday at SiriusXM’s Opie Radio show. On the show Mike Tyson stated that “He snatched me off the street. ‘I was a little kid…[he was an] old man. [He] bullied me, sexually abused me and stuff…’Never seen him again”

Mike Tyson, who is a father of eight, explains that he managed to escape and that the molestation was a one-time incident. According to Mike Tyson, he never told anyone – including the police – about the abuse.

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