Ikea's 5-Minute Furniture Really Takes 17 Minutes To Build

by 07:56 0 comments

 Not long ago, we wrote about Ikea’s new Regissör line of furniture, which in addition to requiring no screws or tools, came with the promise that it could be built in just five minutes. Sure, it seemed unbelievable, but boy did we want to believe.

Business Insider put the claim to the test in a staff race to construct the Regissör bookshelf. So how do things go? One writer tapped out after 6 minutes, having found that, while a hammer may not technically be required to construct the shelves, it would have been a nice alternative to smacking his smartphone against the frame. But the team’s fearless leader Henry Blodget stuck it out for the entirety of the experiment--17 minutes and 12 seconds--before declaring that, in terms of structural integrity, “this one worries me.”
Practical proof aside, while the Regissör shelving took more than triple Ikea’s advertised time to build, we still must admit that we've never assembled a substantial piece of flat pack furniture in 17 minutes--let alone something from Ikeahttp://www.theseblogs.com/AWiJn



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