President Obama is a 'hack' and a 's***** golfer' - but I'd still hit the course with him, says Michael Jordan

by 15:06 0 comments
With all the time President Obama spends on the golf course, you'd assume he'd be pretty well practiced by now.

But according to Michael Jordan, the commander-in-chief still has a long way to go.

When asked about who he would want to play golf with, the basketball legend mentioned Obama but quickly changed his mind, calling him a 'hack' and a 's***ty golfer'.

Not a fan: In an interview for Back9, basketball legend Michael Jordan said he wouldn't want to play golf with President Obama because he's a 'hack' and a game with him would take too long

He made the remarks during an interview for Back9 with sportscaster and former NFL star Ahmad Rashad, who asked him who he would pick for his 'foursome' in a round of golf.
 Not a fan: In an interview for Back9, basketball legend Michael Jordan said he wouldn't want to play golf with President Obama because he's a 'hack' and a game with him would take too long



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