Shameless Robbie Williams uses wife Ayda Field's labour to promote new world tour

by 09:41 0 comments
He has been making the most of YouTube over the past few days after he chose to document his wife Ayda Field’s labour with fans.

And Robbie Williams has used the interest generated by the birth of his son, Charton Valentine, to announce his plans to go on a new tour.

The singer teased fans that he would be making a big announcement on Thursday and many assumed it might be the first picture of his newborn son seeing as he sent out the message just hours after Ayda gave birth.

Robbie Williams' 'Let Me Entertain You' tour announcement

Surprise: Robbie Williams has used the interest generated by the birth of his son, Charton Valentine, to announce his plans to go on a new tour

Surprise: Robbie Williams has used the interest generated by the birth of his son, Charton Valentine, to announce his plans to go on a new tour

However, Robbie instead uploaded yet another video which he used to reveal that he would be embarking on a world tour titled, Let Me Entertain You.

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