Chris Kluwe: GamerGate a Symptom of Society's Misogyny Problem

by 19:08 0 comments
They're two candidates for the Name-Calling Hall of Fame and show just how pissed off Chris Kluwe is. No one straddles the disparate worlds of pro sports and video games like Kluwe, a retired NFL punter, longtime gaming aficionado and popular Internet personality. Now, with a sexism scandal called GamerGate brewing in the gaming world, Kluwe has had enough

That's why he wrote a scathing column this week for The Cauldron called, not subtly, "Why #Gamergaters Piss Me The F*** Off." It was in that column that Kluwe leveled those legendary insults and picked apart the confusing, slightly complicated and mostly off-putting GamerGate movement



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