Marc Andreessen: Here's Why Mark Zuckerberg Is America's Best CEO

by 10:27 0 comments
mark zuckerbergProminent investor Marc Andreessen is a big fan of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Andreessen told CNET's editor-in-chief Connie Guglielmo that he thinks Zuckerberg is the best CEO in America, and not only because he's managed to keep revenue and profits growing since the IPO.
Andreessen, who sits on Facebook's board, describes Zuck as an "absolutely fearless" leader who is adored by employees.
Here's his full quote:
"He's the real deal, he's unbelievably thoughtful and deliberative, he's incredibly confident, but he has the capability, he freely changes his own mind," Andreessen said. "He's absolutely fearless and he has a cult-like following inside the company. People love working for him"
Thankfully, Zuckerberg's come a long way since his days of hacking into school computers and screwing over his coworkers.



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