Pinterest Curates Its Own Content With New Weekly Collections Called “Pin Picks”

by 16:50 0 comments
Pinterest is venturing into the editorial space, having launched last night a new collection of the company’s “favorite things,” which will be updated weekly. This collection, called Pin Picks, is aggregated under Pinterest’s official account at, and is built in conjunction with content partners, whose pins Pinterest features here.

At launch, the Pin Picks section offers a broad variety of topics and categories to delve into, including “home hacks,” road trips, fashion, “survival skills,” sports, food, camping, and of course, a special guide for getting ready for Halloween. For this latter board, Pinterest is working with creative partners like eHow, Funny or Die, and YouTube star Michelle Phan to surface pins and provide costume inspiration throughout the month.
Pin Picks seems to work well as a means for new pinners to start finding content, people and boards to follow, before, perhaps, they’ve developed their own interests on the site which Pinterest can use to help personalize their recommendations. Instead, each section starts as a jumping off point to the topic at hand, recommending a small handful of notable people to follow and the best boards, which include subcategories of the main topic. (For example, under the fashion topic, boards delve into things like weekday or weekend wear, Fashion Week, makeup and beauty, style inspiration and more.)
In the future, Pin Picks could potentially become another way to promote partners’ content or recommend user accounts – similar in spirit to Twitter’s promoted accounts or tweets, but not integrated directly into users’ feeds. But the company says that this launch was a no-money exchange for both Pinterest and its partners.



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